fioctl targets tag
Apply a comma separated list of tags to one or more Targets.
Apply a comma separated list of tags to one or more Targets.
fioctl targets tag <target> [<target>...] [flags]
# Promote Target #42 currently tagged as main
fioctl targets tag --tags main,promoted --by-version 42
# Tag a specific Target by name
fioctl targets tag --tags master,testing intel-corei7-64-lmp-42
--append Append the given tags rather than set them
--by-version Apply tags to all Targets matching the given version(s)
--dryrun Just show the changes that would be applied
-h, --help help for tag
--no-tail Don't tail output of CI Job
-T, --tags string comma,separate,list
Options inherited from parent commands
-c, --config string config file (default is $HOME/.config/fioctl.yaml)
-f, --factory string Factory to list Targets for
-t, --token string API token from
-v, --verbose Print verbose logging
- fioctl targets - Manage Factory TUF targets