Testing Applications

You will use Fioctl® to enable your new apps, but first follow the aktualizr-lite logs on your device with the following command:

 sudo journalctl --follow --unit aktualizr-lite

On your host machine, enable all the new apps:

fioctl devices config updates --apps mosquitto,shellhttpd-mqtt,flask-mqtt-nginx <device-name>
Changing apps from: [] -> [mosquitto,shellhttpd-mqtt,flask-mqtt-nginx]
Changing packagemanager to ostree+compose_apps

You should shortly see aktualizr-lite add the apps.

Once aktualizr-lite finishes, check the running containers:

docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                    COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
9c563d12b2c6   hub.foundries.io/cavel/shellhttpd-mqtt   "/usr/local/bin/http…"   9 minutes ago    Up 9 minutes>8082/tcp   shellhttpd-mqtt_httpd-mqtt_1
ab91fca6c88b   eclipse-mosquitto                        "/docker-entrypoint.…"   9 minutes ago    Up 9 minutes>1883/tcp   mosquitto_mosquitto_1
0b88c1dc7bbf   nginx                                    "/docker-entrypoint.…"   10 minutes ago   Up About a minute>80/tcp       flask-mqtt-nginx_nginx_1
129a54e5821b   hub.foundries.io/cavel/flask-mqtt        "python3 -m flask ru…"   10 minutes ago   Up 7 minutes                                 flask-mqtt-nginx_flask-mqtt_1

On your device, follow the shellhttpd-mqtt_httpd-mqtt_1 container logs:

docker logs -f shellhttpd-mqtt_httpd-mqtt_1

In a second terminal, test your apps using curl. Use any external device connected to the same network, such as your computer.

#Example curl
curl <device IP>:8082
Number of Access = 1

At the same time, in the first terminal connected to your device, the shellhttpd-mqtt_httpd-mqtt_1 logs should show:

Number of Access = 1

Now, test flask-mqtt-nginx_flask-mqtt_1. First, follow the container log on your device with the command:

docker logs -f flask-mqtt-nginx_flask-mqtt_1

In a second terminal, test your apps using curl. Use any external device connected to the same network, such as your computer.

#Example curl
curl <device IP>:80
Number of Access on shellhttpd Container 1

In the first terminal connected to your device, the flask-mqtt-nginx_flask-mqtt_1 logs should show: - - [] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 -

Now, as you access the shellhttpd-mqtt_httpd-mqtt_1 app, flask-mqtt-nginx_flask-mqtt_1 will track how many accesses there have been. The total count will be displayed when you check port 80.

Access shellhttpd-mqtt_httpd-mqtt_1 a few more times:

#Example curl
curl <device IP>:8082
curl <device IP>:8082
curl <device IP>:8082
curl <device IP>:8082
Number of Access = 1
Number of Access = 2
Number of Access = 3
Number of Access = 4

Verify flask-mqtt-nginx_flask-mqtt_1 received all messages and updated the flask page:

#Example curl
curl <device IP>:80
Number of Access on shellhttpd Container 4