fioctl keys tuf updates

Manage updates to the TUF root for your Factory (expert mode)


These sub-commands allow you to transactionally stage and apply changes to your Factory’s TUF private keys in a granular way, familiar to TUF experts.

The TUF updates transaction starts by running “fioctl keys tuf updates init”. This returns a unique secure Transaction ID which is then required for other actions. The admin initiating the transaction should save this TXID for the timespan of the transaction. It must only be shared with Factory admins which will participate in the transaction.

Typically, admin(s) will run other subcommands to make changes to the TUF root (see examples). The staged changes can be checked using “fioctl keys tuf updates review”.

Finally, the transaction can be applied using “fioctl keys tuf updates apply”. If an admin decides to abandon the staged changes they can run “fioctl keys tuf updates cancel”.

For increased safety there can be only one active TUF updates transaction at a time.


- Take ownership of TUF root and Target keys for a new Factory and keep them on separate machines:
  1. On TUF root admin's shell:
     fioctl keys tuf updates init --first-time --keys=tuf-root-keys.tgz
  2. The above command prints a transaction ID (e.g. abcdef42) to be shared with TUF Targets admin.
  3. On TUF Targets admin's shell:
     fioctl keys tuf updates rotate-offline-key \
          --role=targets --txid=abcdef42 --targets-keys=tuf-targets-keys.tgz
  4. On TUF root admin's shell:
     fioctl keys tuf updates rotate-offline-key \
          --role=root --txid=abcdef42 --keys=tuf-root-keys.tgz --sign
  5. On TUF root admin's shell:
     fioctl keys tuf updates apply --txid=abcdef42


-h, --help   help for updates

Options inherited from parent commands

-c, --config string    config file (default is $HOME/.config/fioctl.yaml)
-f, --factory string   Factory to list Targets for
-t, --token string     API token from
-v, --verbose          Print verbose logging