fioctl targets show sboms

Show SBOMs for a specific target.


Show SBOMs for a specific target.

fioctl targets show sboms <version> [<build/run> [<artifact>]]  [flags]


# Show all SBOM files for Target version 42:
fioctl targets show sboms 42

# Show a subset of the SBOMS for the Target. In this case, the 32-bit Arm
# container SBOMS:
fioctl targets show sboms 42 41/build-armhf

# Show overview of a specific SBOM:
fioctl targets show sboms 42 41/build-armhf alpine:latest/arm.spdx.json

# Show overview of a specific SBOM as CSV:
fioctl targets show sboms --format csv 42 41/build-armhf alpine:latest/arm.spdx.json

# Download all SBOMS for a Target to /tmp:
fioctl targets show sboms 42 --download /tmp

# Download a filtered list of SBOMs to /tmp:
fioctl targets show sboms 42 41/build-armhf alpine:latest/arm.spdx.json --download /tmp

# Download a specific SBOM as cyclonedx:
fioctl targets show sboms 42 41/build-armhf --download /tmp --format cyclonedx

# Download all SBOMS for a Target to /tmp as CSV:
fioctl targets show sboms 42 --download /tmp --format csv


    --download string   Download SBOM(s) to a directory
    --format string     The format to download/display. Must be one of table, spdx, cyclonedx, or csv (default "table")
-h, --help              help for sboms

Options inherited from parent commands

-c, --config string           config file (default is $HOME/.config/fioctl.yaml)
-f, --factory string          Factory to list Targets for
    --production-tag string   Look up Target from the production tag
-t, --token string            API token from
-v, --verbose                 Print verbose logging