Adapting Shellhttpd

Edit shellhttpd back to its original state.


In case you do not have the shellhttpd application. Complete the tutorial: Creating Your First Target

Open a new terminal on your host machine and go into your containers repo folder.

cd containers/

Edit according to the example below:

vi shellhttpd/
#!/bin/sh -e


RESPONSE="HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n${MSG}\r\n"

while true; do
        echo -en "$RESPONSE" | nc -l -p "${PORT}" || true
        echo "= $(date) ============================="

Edit the file Dockerfile according to the example below:

vi shellhttpd/Dockerfile
FROM alpine

COPY /usr/local/bin/

CMD ["/usr/local/bin/"]

Edit the file docker-compose.yml according to the example below:

vi shellhttpd/docker-compose.yml
version: '3.2'

    restart: always
      - 8080:${PORT-8080}
      MSG: "Tag devel, test:01"

Note that MSG is defined with This is the TEST 01.

Commit and push all changes:

git status
git add shellhttpd/docker-compose.yml
git add shellhttpd/
git add shellhttpd/Dockerfile
git commit -m "This is the TEST 02"
git push

Wait for your build to finish by checking the latest Target on the Devices tab for your Factory.

Use fioctl to configure your device to run just the shellhttpd application:

fioctl devices config updates --apps shellhttpd <device-name>
Changing apps from: [] -> [shellhttpd]
Changing packagemanager to ostree+compose_apps

In a few minutes, your device should receive an update.

On your device, test the container again:

wget -qO-
This is the TEST 01

Check again the Target version list with fioctl

fioctl targets list
VERSION  TAGS    APPS                                                   HARDWARE IDs
-------  ----    ----                                                   ------------
2        devel                                                          raspberrypi3-64
3        master                                                         raspberrypi3-64
4        devel   shellhttpd                                             raspberrypi3-64
5        devel   shellhttpd                                             raspberrypi3-64
6        devel   shellhttpd                                             raspberrypi3-64
7        devel   shellhttpd                                             raspberrypi3-64
8        devel   shellhttpd-mqtt,mosquitto,shellhttpd,flask-mqtt-nginx  raspberrypi3-64
9        devel   mosquitto,shellhttpd,flask-mqtt-nginx,shellhttpd-mqtt  raspberrypi3-64
10       devel   mosquitto,shellhttpd,flask-mqtt-nginx,shellhttpd-mqtt  raspberrypi3-64

Check what Target your device is running:

fioctl device list
NAME           FACTORY     TARGET                 STATUS  APPS                                        UP-TO-DATE
----           -------     ------                 ------  ----                                        ----------
<device-name>  <factory>   raspberrypi3-64-lmp-10 OK      flask-mqtt-nginx,mosquitto,shellhttpd-mqtt  true

Whenever you push changes to the devel branch, FoundriesFactory® CI will build and generate a new Target tagged with devel. As a result, devices following devel will update to the latest Target.