fioctl targets image
Generate a system image with pre-loaded container images
Generate a system image with pre-loaded container images
fioctl targets image <target-name> [flags]
fioctl targets image raspberrypi4-64-lmp-464 // preload all Target apps
fioctl targets image raspberrypi4-64-lmp-464 --apps app-00,app-01 // preload app-00 and app-01
--apps string comma,separate,list of Target apps to preload into an image. All apps of Target are preloaded if the flag is not defined or empty
--ci-scripts-ref string Override to a specific git-ref of ci-scripts (default "master")
--ci-scripts-repo string Override to custom version of ci-scripts (default "")
-h, --help help for image
--no-tail Don't tail output of CI Job
Options inherited from parent commands
-c, --config string config file (default is $HOME/.config/fioctl.yaml)
-f, --factory string Factory to list Targets for
-t, --token string API token from
-v, --verbose Print verbose logging
- fioctl targets - Manage Factory TUF targets