Enabling Specific Applications

As you implement more apps in containers.git, you may not want all of them running on every device. Fioctl® can specify what apps a device should run.

Instead of enabling shellhttpd as done before, we will use fioctl to first disable and then enable shellhttpd. Make sure to follow the aktualizr-lite logs on your device with the following command:

sudo journalctl --follow --unit aktualizr-lite

On your host machine, disable shellhttpd by replacing the list of apps with a simple comma:

fioctl devices config updates --apps , <device-name>
Changing apps from: [shellhttpd] -> []
Changing packagemanager to ostree+compose_apps

You should shortly see aktualizr-lite remove the app. Once aktualizr-lite finishes, use docker ps to see if there are any containers running on the device:

docker ps

On the device, open the log again and watch as you re-enable shellhttpd:

sudo journalctl --follow --unit aktualizr-lite

Enable the shellhttpd application on your device:

fioctl devices config updates --apps shellhttpd <device-name>
Changing apps from: [] -> [shellhttpd]
Changing packagemanager to ostree+compose_apps

You should soon see aktualizr-lite add the app. On your device, test the container again by running the following command:

wget -qO-
Hello world

Check the running containers:

docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                               COMMAND                  CREATED       STATUS       PORTS                    NAMES
72a3d00dbc1c   hub.foundries.io/<factory>/shellhttpd   "/usr/local/bin/http…"   2 hours ago   Up 2 hours>8080/tcp   shellhttpd_httpd_1