fioctl waves init

Create a new wave from targets of a given version


Create a new wave from targets of a given version.

This command only initializes a wave, but does not provision its updates to devices. Use a “fioctl wave rollout <wave> <group>” to trigger updates of this wave to a device group. Use a “fioctl wave complete <wave>” to update all devices (make it globally available). Use a “fioctl wave cancel <wave> to cancel a wave (make it no longer available).

fioctl waves init <wave> <version> <tag> [flags]


Start a new wave for the target version 4 and the 'production' device tag:
$ fioctl wave init -k ~/path/to/keys/targets.only.key.tgz wave-name 4 production

Start a new wave for the target version 16 and also prune old production versions 1,2,3 and 4 in this case:
$ fioctl wave init -k ~/path/to/keys/targets.only.key.tgz wave-name 16 production --prune 1,2,3,4


-d, --dry-run             Don't create a wave, print it to standard output.
-E, --expires-at string   Role expiration date and time in RFC 3339 format.
                          The same expiration will be used for production targets when a wave is complete.
                          When set this value overrides an 'expires-days' argument.
                          Example: 2020-01-01T00:00:00Z
-e, --expires-days int    Role expiration in days; default 365.
                          The same expiration will be used for production targets when a wave is complete.
-h, --help                help for init
-k, --keys string         Path to <offline-creds.tgz> used to sign wave targets.
    --prune strings       Prune old unused Target(s) from the production metadata.
                          Example: 1,2,3
    --source-tag string   Match this tag when looking for target versions. Certain advanced tagging configurations may require this argument.

Options inherited from parent commands

-c, --config string    config file (default is $HOME/.config/fioctl.yaml)
-f, --factory string   Factory to list targets for
-t, --token string     API token from
-v, --verbose          Print verbose logging