REST API implements a REST API that allows users to interact with their FoundriesFactory and devices. This section shows examples of how to use the REST API with cURL, a command-line tool for transferring data using various network protocols.

To follow this section, it is important to have:

Creating Token

To interact with the API, you need to create a token.

Go to Tokens and create a new Api Token by clicking on + New Token.

Complete with a Description and the Expiration date and select next.

For this tutorial, check the Use for tools like fioctl box and select your Factory.


Fig. 24 Token for REST API

Save the output of this command to your copy buffer. This is your <API_TOKEN> value.

Getting Started

The API includes a complete OpenAPI definition. To get started, configure your host terminal with the variables below:

Copy to clipboard


Make sure to replace <FACTORY> with the Factory name and <API_TOKEN> with the token created in the last step.

Device List

This function returns a list of devices registered in your Factory. The HTTP response includes the same data from the Devices tab of the Factory. You can find this resource’s documentation at API under devices.

Using the terminal, run:

Copy to clipboard

Example Output:

"devices": [
        "uuid": "f4120660-ffbf-483f-b2ca-a6186da467f4",
        "owner": "5e13232f73927550af883e7b",
        "factory": "getting-started",
        "name": "device-01",
        "created-at": "2021-11-11T14:17:50+00:00",
        "last-seen": "2021-11-11T14:17:57+00:00",
        "ostree-hash": "cfacf42873aa06fbf53d7b1bfcb72032f21631b068620e575696ab2ab0670efd",
        "target-name": "raspberrypi3-64-lmp-2",
        "current-update": "",
        "device-tags": [
        "tag": "devel",
        "docker-apps": [],
        "network-info": {
          "hostname": "raspberrypi3-64",
          "local_ipv4": "",
          "mac": "b8:27:eb:ca:78:75"
        "up-to-date": true,
        "public-key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAE2l3TY/Gu8W+euAA8bVufhxmCK0YR\ngt3B8XPXGS4rVRD3jfjjf7cCJQ4GLtvs+phTgeLiRJwTyWzsFZGYxqN1aA==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n",
        "is-prod": false,
        "is-wave": false
    "page": 1,
        "pages": 1,
        "limit": 1000,
    "total": 1
Copy to clipboard

Targets List

This function returns a list of your Factory targets. The HTTP response includes the same data from the Targets tab of the Factory. You can find this resource’s documentation at API under factories.

Using the terminal, run:

curl -H "OSF-TOKEN: $TOKEN"$FACTORY/targets/
Copy to clipboard

Example Output:

  "raspberrypi3-64-lmp-3": {
    "custom": {
      "arch": "aarch64",
      "cliUploaded": false,
      "createdAt": "2021-07-28T20:40:39Z",
      "hardwareIds": [
      "image-file": "lmp-factory-image-raspberrypi3-64.wic.gz",
      "lmp-manifest-sha": "b7d11e4f7d20f1fae63e1f54d8b5f48557fa40c1",
      "meta-subscriber-overrides-sha": "7de1123998c9b362df278132fde8fccb57215647",
      "name": "raspberrypi3-64-lmp",
      "tags": [
      "targetFormat": "OSTREE",
      "updatedAt": "2021-07-28T20:40:39Z",
      "uri": "",
      "version": "3"
    "hashes": {
      "sha256": "f190733c576920a203acd40d8df1cb82135aaf50f0b2c5fa8402745d73a633b3"
    "length": 0
  "raspberrypi3-64-lmp-2": {
    "custom": {
      "arch": "aarch64",
      "cliUploaded": false,
      "createdAt": "2021-07-28T20:15:29Z",
      "hardwareIds": [
      "image-file": "lmp-factory-image-raspberrypi3-64.wic.gz",
      "lmp-manifest-sha": "b6483a7b0bd666b5b871662fa46477cdeede80f2",
      "meta-subscriber-overrides-sha": "7de1123998c9b362df278132fde8fccb57215647",
      "name": "raspberrypi3-64-lmp",
      "tags": [
      "targetFormat": "OSTREE",
      "updatedAt": "2021-07-28T20:15:29Z",
      "uri": "",
      "version": "2"
    "hashes": {
      "sha256": "cfacf42873aa06fbf53d7b1bfcb72032f21631b068620e575696ab2ab0670efd"
    "length": 0
Copy to clipboard

Configure Device

It is also possible to send configuration files to your device or fleet. You can find more about it in the tutorial section: Dynamic Configuration File.

Assuming you want to send a configuration file named as app.config to your device:


url = ""
Copy to clipboard

First, you have to convert the file contents into properly escaped JSON string:

[page]\nurl = \"\"\n"
Copy to clipboard

Now use the command below to create the API_DATA variable.

Note that the file content is on value and the file name on name.

export API_DATA='{ "reason": "API test", "files": [{"name":"app.config","unencrypted":true,"value":"[page]\nurl = \"\"\n"}]}'
Copy to clipboard

Define the variable DEVICE_NAME and configure your device using cURL with -X PATCH:

curl --data "$API_DATA" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "OSF-TOKEN: $TOKEN" -X PATCH$DEVICE_NAME/config/
Copy to clipboard

Example Output:

  "created-at": "2021-11-11T15:59:07",
  "applied-at": null,
  "reason": "API test",
  "files": [
      "name": "app.config",
      "value": "[page]\nurl = \"\"\n",
      "unencrypted": true
Copy to clipboard

After some time, fioconfig receives all the changes and you can find the configuration file on your device at /var/run/secrets/.

sudo cat /var/run/secrets/app.config
Copy to clipboard

Example Output:

url = ""
Copy to clipboard

Enabling/Disabling Application

It is also possible to configure what application or tag the device should use. For example, to enable the shellhttpd application, you have to send a JSON file similar to:

  "name": "z-50-fioctl.toml",
  "on-changed": [
  "unencrypted": true,
      "value": "\n[pacman]\n  compose_apps = \"shellhttpd\"\n"
Copy to clipboard

The command below adds the json file into the API_DATA variable:

export API_DATA='{ "reason": "API test", "files": [{"name":"z-50-fioctl.toml","on-changed":["/usr/share/fioconfig/handlers/aktualizr-toml-update"],"unencrypted":true,"value":"\n[pacman]\n  compose_apps = \"shellhttpd\"\n"}]}'
Copy to clipboard

Define the variable DEVICE_NAME and configure your device using cURL with -X PATCH:

curl --data "$API_DATA" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "OSF-TOKEN: $TOKEN" -X PATCH$DEVICE_NAME/config/
Copy to clipboard

Example Output:

{"created-at": "2021-11-10T19:02:30", "applied-at": null, "reason": "API test", "files": [{"name": "wireguard-client", "value": "enabled=0\n\npubkey=J0H7CMG10TsTEai2Ui35KV0fb5oaJ8qd+mnWgIu091s=", "unencrypted": true}, {"name": "z-50-fioctl.toml", "on-changed": ["/usr/share/fioconfig/handlers/aktualizr-toml-update"], "value": "\n[pacman]\n  compose_apps = \"shellhttpd\"\n", "unencrypted": true}]}
Copy to clipboard

Finding More about REST API

Once logged into, you may interact and play with the REST API from your browser at

1 - Click on the operation to test. That shows the Try it out option. Click on it.

2 - Customize parameters as you like.

3 - Execute to test.

4 - Once it is executed, it shows you a cURL command reference.

5 - Finally, you can also check the response.


Fig. 25 REST API page illustration

This is a very interesting way to explore the REST API and all its possibilities.