Factory Source Code

The FoundriesFactory provides you with a private git sandbox which allows you to maintain and customize your platform.

Navigate to https://source.foundries.io/factories/<factory>/

Source code navigation

Fig. 93 CGit browser

You will find four git repositories, below is a brief description of each one.

This OE layer defines what is included into your factory image. You can add board specific customizations and override, add and remove packages provided in the default Linux microPlatform base.
The repo manifest for the platform build. It defines which layer versions are included in your platform image. The default.xml file is the latest released manifest of our Linux microPlatform, and the <factory>.xml includes your factory changes which allows you to customize your image against our common base.
This is where containers and docker-compose apps are defined. It allows you to define what containers to build, and how to orchestrate them on the platform. By default it will build containers for amd64, aarch64, and armhf architectures.

Defines your platform and container build job to our continuous integration system which uses the data from master branch.

The ci-scripts.git repository prevents a commit changing the lmp:machines: stanza as well as any changes altering the history (force push is disabled). Factories are created to support specific machines. If you need to alter this behavior after starting a FoundriesFactory, please open a support ticket.

Triggering Builds

If you push changes to either lmp-manifest.git or meta-subscriber-overrides.git, a new platform build will be triggered, and if successful will deploy the update to any registered devices.

Any changes pushed to containers.git will trigger a container build job, and any containers defined will be pushed to your factory’s private Docker registry at:



Commit messages that include [skip ci] or [ci skip] will not trigger CI builds.

Configuring CI to Build New Branches

By default, meta-subscriber-overrides, lmp-manifest and containers have the single branch, main. For these repos it is reccomended to also have a devel branch for non-production purposes. ci-scripts has the single default branch master.

Platform Branches

To create new buildable platform branches, first enable the new branch in ci-scripts, for example:

      - tag: main
      - tag: devel
      - tag: new_branch

Then branch out from the wanted branches in meta-subscriber-overrides and lmp-manifest. For example, using devel as a base for the new branch:

cd meta-subscriber-overrides
git checkout devel
git checkout -b new_branch
git commit -m "[skip ci] create new branch" --allow-empty
git push --set-upstream origin new_branch

The lmp-manifest repo change is similar as above, but includes an additional change to point to the correct meta-subscriber-overrides branch:

cd lmp-manifest
git checkout devel
git checkout -b new_branch
sed -i 's/devel/new_branch/' <factory_name>.xml
git add <factory_name>.xml
git commit -m "point meta-subscriber-overrides to correct branch"
git push --set-upstream origin new_branch

After the last step, a platform build for the new_branch is triggered in the factory.

Container Branches

To create new buildable container branches, first enable the new branch in ci-scripts, for example:

      - tag: main
      - tag: devel
      - tag: new_branch

Then branch out from the wanted branch in containers, for example using devel:

cd containers
git checkout devel
git checkout -b new_branch
git push --set-upstream origin new_branch

After the last step, a container build for the new_branch is triggered in the factory.