Registering Your Device

Your Linux® microPlatform (LmP) image includes the lmp-device-register tool that registers your device via the™ REST API.

  1. Run this command from the device console to register it with your Factory:
sudo lmp-device-register -n <device-name> -f <factory>


The parameter -f <factory> is only needed for the first target.

  1. You will be prompted by lmp-device-register to complete a challenge with our API. Follow the instructions on the promped message:

    Example Output:

    Registering device, test, to factory gavin.
    Device UUID: df1295df-ba58-40a0-9239-542ded5ab934
    Visit the link below in your browser to authorize this new device. This link
    will expire in 15 minutes.
      Device Name: df1295ff-ba58-40a0-9239-542bed5ab964
      User code: SQRD-PLBN
      Browser URL:
  2. Your device is now registered and should be visible by navigating to the web interface and selecting the Devices tab for your Factory:

Devices view

Fig. 5 Device List


By default, after registration devices will run all applications that are available in the latest Target. This behavior can be changed by enabling only specific applications. Read Enabling/Disabling Apps to learn how.