i.MX 93 Evaluation Kit


Ensure you replace the <factory> placeholder below with the name of your Factory.

  1. Download necessary files from https://app.foundries.io/factories/<factory>/targets

    1. Click the latest Target with the platform-devel Trigger.

    2. Expand the run in the Runs section which corresponds with the name of the board and download the Factory image for that machine.

  2. Extract the file lmp-factory-image-<machine-name>.wic.gz:

    gunzip lmp-factory-image-<machine-name>.wic.gz
  3. Expand the run in the Runs section which corresponds with the name of the board mfgtool-files and download the tools for that machine.

    E.g: mfgtool-files-<machine-name>.tar.gz

  4. Download and extract the file mfgtool-files-<machine-name>.tar.gz:

    tar -zxvf mfgtool-files-<machine-name>.tar.gz
  5. Organize all the files like the tree below:

    ├── lmp-factory-image-<machine-name>.wic.gz
    ├── u-boot-<machine-name>.itb
    ├── imx-boot-<machine-name>
    └── mfgtool-files-<machine-name>
        ├── bootloader.uuu
        ├── full_image.uuu
        ├── SPL-mfgtool
        ├── u-boot-mfgtool.itb
        ├── uuu
        └── uuu.exe

Hardware Preparation

Set up the board for updating using the manufacturing tools:


Fig. 87 i.MX 93 EVK

  1. OPTIONAL—Only required if you have problems and/or want to see the boot console output.

    Connect the micro-B end of the USB cable into debug port J1401. Connect the other end of the cable to a PC acting as a host terminal. Four UART connections will appear on the PC. On a Linux host for example:

    $ ls -l /dev/serial/by-id/
    total 0
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 abr 20 16:20 usb-FTDI_Quad_RS232-HS-if00-port0 -> ../../ttyUSB0
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 abr 20 16:20 usb-FTDI_Quad_RS232-HS-if01-port0 -> ../../ttyUSB1
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 abr 20 16:20 usb-FTDI_Quad_RS232-HS-if02-port0 -> ../../ttyUSB2
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 abr 20 16:20 usb-FTDI_Quad_RS232-HS-if03-port0 -> ../../ttyUSB3

    Using a serial terminal program like minicom, connect to the port with if02 in the name (in this example ttyUSB2) and apply the following configuration:

    • Baud rate: 115200
    • Data bits: 8
    • Stop bit: 1
    • Parity: None
    • Flow control: None
  2. Ensure that the power is off (SW301)

  3. Put the i.MX 93 EVK into programing mode:

    Switch SW1301 to OFF, OFF, ON, ON (from 1-4 bit) to Download Mode.


    Fig. 88 SW1301 dip switch

  4. Connect your computer to the i.MX 93 EVK board via the USB Type-C port 1 Download J401 jack.

  5. Connect the USB Type-C power plug to the port 2 Power J301 jack.

  6. Power on the i.MX 93 EVK board by sliding power switch SW301 to ON.


Once in serial downloader mode and connected to your PC the evaluation board should show up as an NXP® USB device.

  1. Verify target is present:

    $ lsusb | grep NXP
    Bus 001 Device 018: ID 1fc9:014e NXP Semiconductors OO Blank 93

    In this mode you will use the uuu tools to program the images to the eMMC. The USB ID may differ if a different SoC is used.

  2. Run the command below to program the LmP to the EMMC:

    $ sudo mfgtool-files-<machine-name>/uuu mfgtool-files-<machine-name>/full_image.uuu
      uuu (Universal Update Utility) for nxp imx chips -- libuuu_1.4.243-0-ged48c51
      Success 1    Failure 0
      1:92     6/ 6 [Done                                  ] FB: done
  3. Turn off the power.

  4. Put the board into run mode

  1. Start the Device Manager
  2. Select View
  3. Select Devices by container
  4. Verify a device like the following:
  1. Run the command below to program the LmP to the EMMC:

    C:\Users\Someone> mfgtool-files-<machine-name>\uuu.exe mfgtool-files-<machine-name>\full_image.uuu
      uuu (Universal Update Utility) for nxp imx chips -- libuuu_1.4.243-0-ged48c51
      Success 1    Failure 0
      1:92     6/ 6 [Done                                  ] FB: done
  2. Turn off the power.

  3. Put the board into run mode

To put the i.MX 93 EVK into run mode by switching SW1301 to ON, ON, ON, ON to set Cortex-A to boot from eMMC.

Power on the i.MX 93 EVK board by sliding power switch SW301 to ON.