Configure Your Device

Your device should be registered to your Factory according to the Getting Started guide. Once registered, two services start to communicate with a Factory: aktualizr-lite and fioconfig.


This is the daemon responsible for updating the device. It checks for new updates and implements The Update Protocol (TUF) . TUF helps guarantee the integrity of platform and container updates.


This is the daemon responsible for managing configuration data for your device. The content is encrypted where only the device will be able to decrypt and use it.

Both applications are configured to communicate with your Factory. That being said, an update could take up to 10 minutes to be triggered. This can be configured according to your product needs.

During this tutorial, you will configure both aktualizr-lite and fioconfig to check every minute.

This configuration will only apply to the device where the commands below are run. To change the timing for the entire fleet, you will need to customize your Factory image. On your device, create a settings file in the /etc/sota/conf.d/ folder to configure aktualizr-lite:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/sota/conf.d/
sudo bash -c 'printf "[uptane]\npolling_sec = 60" > /etc/sota/conf.d/z-01-polling.toml'
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Next, create a settings file in the /etc/default/ folder to configure fioconfig:

sudo bash -c 'printf "DAEMON_INTERVAL=60" > /etc/default/fioconfig'
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Restart both services:

sudo systemctl restart aktualizr-lite
sudo systemctl restart fioconfig
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In the following instructions, you will disable and enable services. This will trigger aktualizr-lite tasks that might be interesting to follow.

To watch the aktualizr-lite logs for updates, leave a device terminal open running the command:

sudo journalctl --follow --unit aktualizr-lite
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