Persistent Log Support

By default all the system logs generated by the Linux microPlatform are stored in a tmpfs mount point (/var/volatile), without persistent support across reboots.

This is done as a way to minimize the amount of write operations to the disk (as is stored in memory), and to help reducing the amount of disk space utilized by the system.

While storing the system log in memory can reduce the load on the disk, it might not always be desired, specially during development, as being able to restore the log from previous recorded boots can provide useful information about the system.

Follow the instructions below to change the default LmP behavior and enable persistent logging support.

Disable OpenEmbedded VOLATILE_LOG_DIR

OpenEmbedded controls the /var/log behavior via the VOLATILE_LOG_DIR variable, which is enabled by default.

When enabled, OpenEmbedded links /var/log to /var/volatile/log (/var/volatile is a tmpfs mount point), and when disabled it sets /var/log as a normal directory, making it persistent.

Add the following to meta-subscriber-overrides/conf/machine/include/ in order to disable VOLATILE_LOG_DIR:


Add systemd-journald-persistent to your image

The recipe systemd-journald-persistent (in meta-updater) provides a default configuration file for systemd-journald that enables persistent logging support. The default configuration sets a limit to 64M, which is safe for most deployments.

Add systemd-journald-persistent to meta-subscriber-overrides/recipes-samples/images/ (or any other image used by your meta-subscriber-overrides layer), as described at Adding Packages to the Image.

Optional: customize systemd-journald options


Special attention is required when defining your own systemd-journald configuration file, as a high SystemMaxUse value might cause the logging to consume a substantial amount of disk space.

Create your own systemd-journald configuration file by overriding the 10-persistent-journal.conf file used by the systemd-journald-persistent recipe.

At your meta-subscriber-overrides layer:

$ cat recipes-support/systemd-journald-persistent/systemd-journald-persistent.bbappend
FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"


$ cat recipes-support/systemd-journald-persistent/files/10-persistent-journal.conf

For the complete list of options supported by journald please check the journald.conf manual.