Data Retention Policies

Understanding data retention policies within a FoundriesFactory can help with the compliance processes for a product. This page explains how data is managed within a Factory. FoundriesFactory consists of several tightly integrated projects:

Service Description Location Git Digital - Ocean SFO2 DC CI server GCP - us-central1-a
Ephemeral CI workers CI AWS us-east-2, France User-facing APIs GCP - us-central1-a Web UI GCP - us-central1-a Docker registry GCP - us-central1-a Device gateway GCP - us-central1-a OSTree for devices GCP - us-central1-a

These services fall under two areas of concern: customer data and device data.

Customer Data

Source code like containers.git lives in Digital Ocean’s SFO2 data center where it is periodically backed up. Backups —but not the source itself— older than 6 months get pruned. Source code gets deleted when a Factory is deleted. runs inside Google’s GCP us-central1-a region. It stores data in two places:

  • Galera Cluster Database
  • Google Storage Bucket

The storage bucket is multi-regional and is within the United States. The database gets periodically backed up to Google Storage. Backups over 6 months old get pruned.

CI Workers

CI work takes place in ephemeral instances (Docker containers) that are removed upon the completion of a CI Run. The exception being sstate cache for LmP builds. This is kept on an NFS drive in the customer’s CI region. This data get pruned periodically, and gets deleted when a Factory is deleted.

A reverse proxy to other services, and stores no data.

This service has two components:

  • A web view to
  • Factory user and subscription management

Both run inside Google’s GCP us-central1-a region. The user and subscription database is backed up nightly to Google Storage. Backups over 6 months old get pruned.

Device Data does not store any other device application data beyond what is listed in this section.

Container images are managed by this service. Devices pull container updates from this service. Data gets stored in a multi-regional Google Storage Bucket within the United States and gets deleted when a Factory gets deleted.

This service manages two pieces of data:

  • A Factory’s TUF Metadata
  • Device data

Device data covers:

  • Hardware information from the lshw tool.
  • Details of the last 10 OTAs (fioctl updates show)
  • The date when device was added
  • The Factory member that added the device
  • The device’s MAC address
  • The device’s local IPv4 address.


The device’s address depends on deployment details. This normally a class C IP Address, not the public IPv4 address it accesses the Internet from

Both service and data gets kept inside Google’s GCP us-central1-a region. The data is periodically backed up to Google Storage. Backups over 6 months old get pruned.

Devices pull LmP updates down from this service. It is managed in a similar way to