Apalis iMX6 with the Ixora Carrier Board


The instructions in this section also applies to those boards with secure boot enabled. There are references on how to perform common instructions along with the flow.

Secure Boot (Hardware Root of Trust) details the required background for secure boot.



Ensure you replace the <factory> placeholder below with the name of your Factory.

  1. Download necessary files from https://app.foundries.io/factories/<factory>/targets:

    1. Click the latest Target with a platform trigger.

    b. Expand run in the Runs section corresponding with the name of the board. Download the Factory image for that machine.

    For example:

  2. Extract the file lmp-factory-image-apalis-imx6.wic.gz:

    gunzip lmp-factory-image-apalis-imx6.wic.gz
  3. Expand the run in the Runs section which corresponds with the board’s mfgtool-files. Download the tools for that machine.

  4. Extract mfgtool-files-apalis-imx6.tar.gz:

    tar -zxvf mfgtool-files-apalis-imx6.tar.gz
  5. Organize the files as in the tree below:

    ├── lmp-factory-image-<machine-name>.wic.gz
    ├── u-boot-<machine-name>.itb
    ├── sit-<machine-name>.bin
    ├── SPL-<machine-name>
    └── mfgtool-files-<machine-name>
        ├── bootloader.uuu
        ├── full_image.uuu
        ├── SPL-mfgtool
        ├── u-boot-mfgtool.itb
        ├── uuu
        └── uuu.exe

Hardware Preparation

Set up the board for updating using the manufacturing tools:

  1. Ensure that the power is off (SW1)

  2. Put the apalis-imx into Recovery Mode:

    1. Remove the JP2 jumper from the board


      Fig. 65 JP2 location

    2. Connect the Micro-USB cable to the X9 connector


      Fig. 66 USB location

    3. Connect the two bottom pads of JP4 as in the following images


      Fig. 67 Recovery jumper location


      Fig. 68 Recovery jumper setup

  3. Power on the board by pressing the SW1 button.


Once in serial downloader mode and connected to your PC, the evaluation board should show up as a Freescale USB device.


Device names and IDs can slightly differ from the steps below.


For instructions on how to sign the required images before flashing them to the board with secure boot enabled, follow the instructions from Machines with Secure Aspects Enabled by FoundriesFactory.

  1. Verify target is present:

    $ lsusb | grep Freescale
    Bus 002 Device 052: ID 15a2:0080 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.

    In this mode, you will use the uuu tools to program the images to the eMMC.

  2. Run the command below to program the LmP to the EMMC:

    $ sudo mfgtool-files-<machine-name>/uuu -pp 1 mfgtool-files-<machine-name>/full_image.uuu
    uuu (Universal Update Utility) for nxp imx chips -- libuuu_1.4.43-0-ga9c099a
    Success 1    Failure 0
    1:31     3/ 3 [=================100%=================] SDPV: jump
    2:31     8/ 8 [Done                                  ] FB: done
  3. Turn off the power.

  4. Put the board into run mode

To return to run mode, disconnect the jumper from the recovery pads (JP4) and reconnect the JP2 jumper.

Power on the board to boot the new image.