Auto Register

This section shows how to enable lmp-device-auto-register. This utility creates a systemd oneshot service that registers the device on first boot—once it has internet connectivity. This is done by providing an API Token with devices:create scope.


Do not use the API Token in production. They are intended only for usage in a development environment. For more information, read Manufacturing Process for Device Registration. When close to production, do not hesitate to contact™ to discuss best practices for automatically registering devices.

The recipe for lmp-device-auto-register is provided by meta-lmp and can be added by customizing your meta-subscriber-overrides.git.


To follow this section, it is important to have:

Creating Token

Go to Tokens and create a new Api Token by clicking on + New Token.

Complete with a Description and the Expiration date and select next.

Select the device:create token and select your Factory. You can later revoke this access and set up a new token once you are familiar with the API Access.


Fig. 21 Token for device creation access

Enabling Recipe

Clone your meta-subscriber-overrides.git and enter its directory:

git clone<factory>/meta-subscriber-overrides.git
cd meta-subscriber-overrides

Edit recipes-samples/images/, adding the recipe to the CORE_IMAGE_BASE_INSTALL list:

diff --git a/recipes-samples/images/ b/recipes-samples/images/
--- a/recipes-samples/images/
+++ b/recipes-samples/images/
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ CORE_IMAGE_BASE_INSTALL += " \
     networkmanager-nmcli \
     git \
     vim \
+    lmp-device-auto-register \
     packagegroup-core-full-cmdline-extended \
     ${@bb.utils.contains('LMP_DISABLE_GPLV3', '1', '', '${CORE_IMAGE_BASE_INSTALL_GPLV3}', d)} \

Configuring the LmP Auto Register

Create the required directory structure for the recipe:

mkdir -p recipes-support/lmp-device-auto-register/lmp-device-auto-register

Create the api-token file and replace <YOUR_API_TOKEN> with the scoped token created in the previous steps:



Create lmp-device-auto-register.bbappend in order to give the recipe access to the api-token file.



Add the changed files, commit and push:

git add recipes-samples/images/
git add recipes-support/lmp-device-auto-register/lmp-device-auto-register/api-token
git add recipes-support/lmp-device-auto-register/lmp-device-auto-register.bbappend
git commit -m "lmp-device-auto-register: Adding recipe"
git push

The latest Target should be the CI job you just created.

When the CI finishes, download and flash the image.


To get a better understanding of what is going on, one can look at the lmp-device-auto-register repo. The Systemd Service file and corresponding shell script can be customized, just like the API token file is being overwritten.

Additional Configuration

Auto registration can use device tags and HSM. Additional configuration can be added by creating files in /etc/sota directory

Registering the device with a tag can be done by creating /etc/sota/tag file. The file should contain only the tag. Example tag file:


Registering the device using HSM can be done by creating /etc/sota/hsm file. The file should contain the following contents:

HSM_PI=<PIN value>
HSM_SOPIN=<SO pin value>

Example hsm file for SE050 device


lmp-device-auto-register recipe does not create these files. They need to be created by the user either by amending the lmp-device-auto-register recipe, or by creating a separate recipe.

Testing Auto Register

After booting the new image—if connected to the internet—the device will automatically register to your Factory. It should be visible by navigating to the web interface and selecting the Devices tab.

FoundriesFactory Device Auto Registered

On your device, use the following command to list the lmp-device-auto-register service:

device:~$ systemctl list-unit-files | grep enabled | grep lmp-device-auto-register
lmp-device-auto-register.service           enabled         enabled

Verify the lmp-device-auto-register application status:

 systemctl status lmp-device-auto-register
lmp-device-auto-register.service - Script to auto-register device into Factory
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/lmp-device-auto-register.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (exited) since Sun 2021-09-12 17:34:06 UTC; 5min ago
Process: 774 ExecStart=/usr/bin/lmp-device-auto-register (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 774 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)