fioctl devices list

List devices registered to factories. Optionally include filepath style patterns to limit to device names. eg device-*


List devices registered to factories. Optionally include filepath style patterns to limit to device names. eg device-*

fioctl devices list [pattern] [flags]
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-f, --by-factory string       Only list devices belonging to this factory
    --by-tag string           Only list devices configured with the given tag
-h, --help                    help for list
    --just-mine               Only include devices owned by you
    --offline-threshold int   List the device as 'OFFLINE' if not seen in the last X hours (default 4)
    --skip-owner              Do not include owner name when lising. (command will run faster)
    --uuid string             Find device with the given UUID
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Options inherited from parent commands

-c, --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/fioctl.yaml)
-t, --token string    API token from
-v, --verbose         Print verbose logging
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