Configuring GitΒΆ

Pushing to the Git repositories in your FoundriesFactory is as simple as configuring Git on your personal machine to use the api token you generated as part of your account creation. Once configured, git will know when are connecting to and will use this token to authenticate you with our Git server.


Tokens can be generated at

For this tutorial, check the Use for source code access box. You can later revoke this access and set up a new token once you are familiar with the API Access.

Replace YOUR_TOKEN in the following command with your access token. An example token looks like this: ebAYLaManEgNdRnWKfnwNDJjU45c5LJPmWsYw78z

git config --global http. "Authorization: basic $(echo -n YOUR_TOKEN | openssl base64)"

You can verify that this has been successful by attempting to clone a repository from your FoundriesFactory. As an example, you can clone your containers.git repo.

Replace <factory> with your FoundriesFactory name.

git clone<factory>/containers.git


You can also use git config --list to show you the current state of the global Git configuration, in which should be referenced along with your access token, represented as a base64 string.