Flash your Device


To follow this section, you will need:
  • A supported board.
    • Capable of booting from eMMC (recommended if available)
    • Or capable of booting from a suitable microSD Card
  • Wired or WiFi network with internet access.
    • Ethernet cable (if choosing Wired)
    • Console access to your hardware via display/keyboard or serial (if choosing WiFi)

Download LmP system image

When you trigger a build, it produces build artifacts as an output which can be downloaded from the Targets tab of your factory, as described in Watch Your Build.

  1. Navigate to the Targets section of your Factory.

  2. Find your LmP platform build, denoted by the Trigger name: platform-<tag>.

    e.g: lmp-factory-image-machine-name.wic.gz

  3. Download it by clicking on its name in the list of artifacts.


Flash LmP system image


If you are developing on a platform that has eMMC available such as the NXP iMX8MM-EVK, it is recommended that you boot from eMMC rather than SD. Read the Supported Machines section for specific details on flashing your system-image using the vendor provided tools.

  1. Determine the disk you want to flash by finding the device with the SIZE that matches your SD card in the list below. Be sure to ignore partitions (where TYPE is part). Save the NAME for your SD card device to be used in a later step as the disk path. e.g: /dev/mmcblk0:

    lsblk -po +MODEL

    Example Output:

    $ lsblk -po +MODEL
    NAME             MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT                 MODEL
    /dev/mmcblk0     179:0    0  29.8G  0 disk
    ├─/dev/mmcblk0p1 179:1    0  41.6M  0 part /mnt/boot
    └─/dev/mmcblk0p2 179:2    0  29.8G  0 part /mnt/otaroot
    /dev/zram0       254:0    0    26G  0 disk /out
    /dev/nvme0n1     259:0    0 953.9G  0 disk                            SSDPEKKF010T8 NVMe INTEL 1024GB
  2. Flash the disk.

    Replace <system-image>
    Replace /dev/mmcblk<X> with your chosen disk path.
gunzip -c <system-image> | sudo dd of=/dev/mmcblk<X> bs=4096k iflag=fullblock oflag=direct status=progress
  1. Determine the disk you want to flash by finding the device with the SIZE that matches your SD card in the list below. Be sure to ignore partitions (lines without the * in the SIZE). Save the IDENTIFIER for your SD card device to be used in a later step as the disk path. e.g: /dev/disk3:

    diskutil list

    Example Output:

    $ diskutil list
    /dev/disk3 (internal, physical):
       #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
       0:     FDisk_partition_scheme                        *15.5 GB    disk3
       1:             Windows_FAT_32 boot                    45.7 MB    disk3s1
       2:                      Linux                         15.5 GB    disk3s2
  2. Flash the disk.

    Replace <system-image>
    Replace /dev/disk<X> with your chosen disk path.


It may be necessary to unmount the disk if macOS has auto-mounted it like so:

sudo diskutil unmount /dev/disk<X>

gunzip -c <system-image> | sudo dd of=/dev/disk<X> bs=4096k

Windows has no dd like tool built into the operating system to flash your image to disk. In this case, we recommend you download and use either Win32 Disk Imager or Rufus.


Your system image is in a compressed wic.gz format. To follow these next steps, you must extract it using a tool like 7zip which will leave you with a .wic image file.

Using Rufus

  1. Download and run Rufus.
  2. Select your disk.
  3. SELECT your <system-image>.
  4. START the flash procedure.

Using Win32 Disk Imager

  1. Download and run Win32 Disk Imager as Administrator.
  2. Click the blue folder icon.
  3. Select your <system-image>
  4. Select your disk via the Device dropdown.
  5. Click Write
  6. Wait for the image to finish writing, and a Write Successful dialog will appear.

Boot Device and Connect to the Network

Ethernet (Recommended)

Ethernet works out of the box if a DHCP server is available on the local network.

  1. Connect an Ethernet cable to the board.
  2. Remove the SD card from your computer, and insert it into the board.
  3. Apply power to the board.

Your board will connect to the network via Ethernet and will be ready to connect within a minute or two of booting.


The LmP uses nmcli and NetworkManager to manage network connectivity. Once you have gained shell access to the device, you can add a new WiFi SSID to connect to by using nmcli:

sudo nmcli device wifi connect NETWORK_SSID password NETWORK_PASSWORD

Access via Serial

If you are starting without any network connectivity that could give you shell access to your device, you will need to connect via serial to execute the command. You may need to refer to your hardware vendor’s documentation on serial access.

Access interactively

If your device has a video interface, you can attach it to a display, plug in a USB Keyboard and execute the command interactively. Be sure to log out from your shell session after completion when using this method.

If you don’t have Ethernet connectivity, you can connect to a WiFi network by temporarily enabling the UART console on your Raspberry Pi and running a command to connect to your WiFi network.


While a hardware serial port is available, enabling it unfortunately requires this device to run at significantly reduced speeds, and causes serious Bluetooth instability. Make sure to disable the console and reboot before proceeding.

You’ll need a 3.3 volt USB to TTL serial adapter, such as this Adafruit USB to TTL Serial Cable.

  1. Mount the micro SD card containing the SD image you flashed on your workstation PC.

  2. Edit the config.txt file on the VFAT boot/ partition, adding a new line with the following content:

  3. Safely unmount the micro SD card, remove it from your workstation, and insert it into the Raspberry Pi.

  4. Connect the adapter to your Raspberry Pi’s UART and to your workstation computer via USB, e.g. by following this Adafruit guide.

  5. Connect a serial console program on your workstation to the adapter, and power on the Raspberry Pi.

  6. When prompted, log in via the console. The default username is fio, and the default password is fio. You should change the password before connecting to the network.

  7. Connect to the network using the following command:

    sudo nmcli device wifi connect NETWORK_SSID password NETWORK_PASSWORD

    Where NETWORK_SSID is your WiFi network’s SSID, and NETWORK_PASSWORD is the password.

  8. Safely shut down the Raspberry Pi, re-mount the SD card on your host workstation, and delete the line you added to config.txt.

  9. Unmount the SD card from your workstation, insert it into the Raspberry Pi, and reboot it.


Do not skip the final steps. Functionality with the serial console enabled is severely degraded.

Your board will connect to the network you’ve saved after rebooting. You can now log in using SSH.

Log in via SSH

Use fio as the username and machine-name.local as the hostname:

ssh fio@<machine-name>.local

The default password is fio; we recommend changing it once logged in.


Your device hostname will be defaulted to the value of the machine: key value from your factory-config.yml Read the Supported Machines section for a list of supported hardware and their MACHINE value.

Here are some examples:


For this to work, your PC needs to support zeroconf the hostname must be otherwise unclaimed. If this doesn’t work, you can also log in by IP address. See Troubleshooting below for advice.


If the above methods to connect your device to the network don’t work, try one of the following.

  • Temporarily enable and connect to the UART (see directions above in the WiFi section) and determine available IP addresses with:

    # Ethernet
    ip addr show eth0 scope global
    # WiFi
    ip addr show wlan0 scope global

    Then connect by IP address:

    ssh fio@<ip-address>
  • List connected devices and their local IP addresses on your network router’s administrative interface, and log in by IP address as above.