
The Linux microPlatform has the ability to securely deliver and orchestrate containers using TUF. This section will guide you through your first deployment.

Our update solution ota-lite uses the Docker App cloud native application bundle specification for orchestrating container deployments. This is essentially a docker-compose definition with a bit of context wrapped around it to make the applications a bit more generic.

If you followed the steps above to register your device, you may have noticed the flag -a shellhttpd being set. This sets the service to watch for targets with the name “shellhttpd” and pull and deploy them if new ones exist.

However, shellhttpd is disabled until you instruct your factory to build the container and Docker App definition. To enable it, clone your containers.git project, and make the following changes:

git clone<myfactory>/containers.git/
cd containers
git mv shellhttpd.dockerapp.disabled shellhttpd.dockerapp
git mv shellhttpd.disabled shellhttpd
git commit -m "enable shellhttpd docker-app"
git push

If the git clone fails with an unable to access error then check you have a valid token in your .netrc file. You can look at Getting Started for instructions.

You can monitor your CI builds here:

Once the container has been built, and the Docker App has been published, your device will begin to update. Once the update is complete, you can check the status of the container by running the following command:

docker ps -a

Then from your host machine you can access the HTTP server from a browser at:

Now that you have successfully deployed your first docker-app, you are free to create your own containers and app definitions. Simply push them to the containers.git repo and “voila”!

If you create a new Docker App deployment, and want it to be deployed on a device, edit the sota.toml on that specific device like below:

sudo vim /var/sota/sota.toml

Extend the docker_apps list like the example below:

- docker_apps = "shellhttpd"
+ docker_apps = "shellhttpd, mynewapp"

Now restart the aktualizr-lite daemon to reload the configuration:

sudo systemctl restart aktualizr-lite

Assuming that your new Docker App has been published, the device will begin to update.