WireGuard VPN

Factory users may need to remotely access devices that are behind firewalled private networks. In order to help make remote access easy, the LmP ships with WireGuard available and integrated into fioctl and NetworkManager.

Every organization has unique remote access requirements. The Factory WireGuard Server has been created as a guide for deploying a Factory VPN server to a customer managed server.

Actions on VPN Server


Make sure to replace the <factory> (name of your FoundriesFactory) placeholder with your own information in the following commands.

Install dependencies:

$ sudo apt install git wireguard wireguard-tools python3 python3-requests

Clone VPN server code:

$ git clone https://github.com/foundriesio/factory-wireguard-server/
$ cd factory-wireguard-server

Configure the Factory with this new service and enable the daemon:

$ sudo ./factory-wireguard.py \
    --oauthcreds /root/fiocreds.json \ # oauth2 credentials will be written here
    --factory <factory> \
    --privatekey /root/wgpriv.key \ # where to store generated private key

At this point you will be prompted to authorize an Oauth2 request. It will look something like:

External Endpoint:
VPN Address:
Registring with foundries.io...
Visit this link to authorize this application:


 Enter code:  <copy/paste code from previous link>
 Creating systemd service factory-vpn-andy-corp.service
 Service is running. Logs can be viewed with: journalctl -fu factory-vpn-andy-corp.service

The daemon keeps track of connected devices by putting entries into /etc/hosts so that they can be easily referenced from the server.

Enabling remote access to a device

A device can be configured to connect to the VPN server using fioctl:

$ fioctl devices config wireguard <device> enable

This setting can take up to 5 minutes to be applied by fioconfig on the device. Once active, it can be reached from the VPN server with a command like:

$ ssh <device>

Remote access can be disabled from fioctl with:

$ fioctl devices config wireguard <device> disable

Changing wireguard server address

It is sometimes necessary to change the WireGuard server’s private VPN address. For example, when the initial setup is done using a developer’s laptop, default factory-wireguard.py settings are probably used. Later on, when it’s required for more developers to have remote access to the devices, the server should be moved (for example to a cloud hosted VM). When such move happens it might be necessary to change WireGuard’s address (default might already be in use). This is easy on the server side as it’s just a command line parameter:

$ sudo ./factory-wireguard.py \
    --apitoken <api token> \  # https://app.foundries.io/settings/tokens
    --factory <factory> \
    --privatekey /root/wgpriv.key \ # where to store generated private key

It’s a bit more complicated on the device side. Once the WireGuard configuration is initiated, it’s not changed when server endpoint moves. This needs to be done manually by updating device settings. The settings are stored in wireguard-client file. Example old settings:


The public key corresponds to a private key that is already stored on the device. This part should not be changed. It is important to keep this configuration file unencrypted. After the change the file should look like this:


This change can be done using fioct devices config set command. More details can be found in fioctl section. This can be done with:

$ fioctl devices config set my-device-1 --raw my-device-1.config.json

The contents of the my-device.config.json below:

  "reason": "Update wireguard settings",
  "files": [
      "name": "wireguard-client",
      "value": "address=\npubkey=abcdefghijk123456789",
      "unencrypted": true


Wireguard uses UDP. This can be difficult to troubleshoot. A very common problem is when the VPN server has a firewall blocking traffic to the Wireguard port.

Method 1

One way to debug this situation is by running wg show on both the server and device in question. This output will help show what might be wrong.

wg show on the device:

interface: factory-vpn0
 public key: sn4oAhIsJXRdTToO0ofRJRhuC7ObPOJYU+s5n8bPPSA=
 private key: (hidden)
 listening port: 56213

peer: hn2eMQZNLn56UVnHK8GZGvGD1dSLky0hk7sevZ4piB4=
 allowed ips:
 transfer: 0 B received, 18.36 KiB sent
 persistent keepalive: every 25 seconds

wg show on the server:

interface: factory
 public key: hn2eMQZNLn56UVnHK8GZGvGD1dSLky0hk7sevZ4piB4=
 private key: (hidden)
 listening port: 5555

peer: sn4oAhIsJXRdTToO0ofRJRhuC7ObPOJYU+s5n8bPPSA=

This shows that the device is trying to connect, but no data has been transferred. The server is showing that the device hasn’t established a connection (there’s no data for the peer). If the server’s IP is correct, then its likely a firewall is blocking UDP traffic to this port.

Method 2

Another method that can be used to debug this scenario is to use nc -lup 12345 (netcat) in UDP listen mode on the server running Wireguard. Then attempting to send text via UDP to the specified port, which in this example is 12345. This port can be replaced in order to test another.

Netcat should be available by default on any Unix system (Linux, macOS, WSL, BSD).

Any machine can be used as the client in this example. It is often helpful to try this with multiple clients on multiple networks and internet connections to confirm your results.

On the server running Wireguard:

nc -lup 12345

On any client:

echo "UDP is not blocked on this port!" | nc -u <server address> 12345

Watch the terminal of the server where you ran nc -lup 12345, you will see the text appear if UDP is not blocked on the port 12345.

If something is preventing traffic reaching the destination then you will not see a message appear. After trying one client, try another to confirm your results.


Since UDP is stateless, each successful connection means you need to restart the nc session on the server. For each debug attempt, rinse and repeat this process by killing and restarting the nc -lup command.