fioctl waves rollout

Rollout a given wave to devices in a given device group


Rollout a given wave to devices in a given device group. Upon rollout a wave becomes available as an update source for production devices in a specific device group. An rollout is not instant, but rather each device in a given group will update to this wave’s targets at some point in time which is determined by many factors: most important being network conditions between a device and update servers, as well as a device update schedule.

fioctl waves rollout <wave> <group> [flags]


-h, --help   help for rollout

Options inherited from parent commands

-c, --config string    config file (default is $HOME/.config/fioctl.yaml)
-f, --factory string   Factory to list targets for
-t, --token string     API token from
-v, --verbose          Print verbose logging