Dynamic Configuration File

In a production environment, you might have a large fleet of devices. Configuring each device for your applications would be frustrating.

FoundriesFactory adds management capabilities to your product configuration: by using fioctl the tool encrypts the configuration file with the devices’ public key.

When the device receives the encrypted file, fioconfig stores it to a persistent volume at /var/sota/config.encrypted. At boot, fioconfig extracts all your configuration files to /var/run/secrets/<filename>. This is a tmpfs and is only available when the device is running. This means only the fioctl user and the device will know the configuration content and Foundries.io won’t.

The following example will configure a single device; however, keep in mind that it could be used to affect a larger group of devices if associated with devices-groups. This topic will be discussed further in later tutorials.

Use fioctl on your host machine to remember your device name:

fioctl devices list -f tutorial

Example Output:

NAME             FACTORY   TARGET                 STATUS   APPS        UP-TO-DATE
----             -------   ------                 ------   ----        ----------
raspberrypi3-64  tutorial  raspberrypi3-64-lmp-8  ONLINE   shellhttpd  true

Run fioctl to set a configuration file:

fioctl devices config set raspberrypi3-64 shellhttpd.conf="MSG=\"Hello from fioctl\""

On your device, check the folder /var/run/secrets. It could take up to 5 minute to receive the configuration file. If you changed the fioconfig interval as suggested in the previous tutorial Deploying your first Application it could take up to a minute.

sudo ls /var/run/secrets/

Example Output:

shellhttpd.conf  wireguard-client

Read the file content:

sudo cat /var/run/secrets/shellhttpd.conf

Example Output:

MSG="Hello from fioctl"