
Every factory has a containers.git repository. This repository holds the source for Docker containers to be built as well as Compose Apps. As changes are made to this repository new Targets will be built. The CI logic for building a Target is based on simple naming rules:

  • Ignore any top-level directory that ends with .disabled.
  • A container image will be built for every top-level directory containing a file named Dockerfile.
  • A compose app will be built for every top-level directory containing a file named docker-compose.yml.
  • Both a container image and compose app will be built if a top-level directory includes both types of files.

Advanced Container Usage

A container directory may contain a docker-build.conf file that enables some advanced functionality. This file “sourced” by the CI shell script and can set a few special variables to influence what’s done at build time:

  • CI testing - Adding TEST_CMD="<some command>" directs the CI builder to run the command inside the container it just built as a means of verifying its functioning correctly.
  • SKIP_ARCHS - By default containers are builds for arm, arm64, and amd64. If a container won’t build for a certain architecture, it can be skipped. For example SKIP_ARCHS=arm64.
  • MANIFEST_PLATFORMS - If SKIP_ARCHS is used, then MANIFEST_PLATFORMS will need to be updated to reflect what platforms this multi-arch container is being published for. Following the example above its possible to do: MANIFEST_PLATFORMS=linux/amd64,linux/arm
  • EXTRA_TAGS_$ARCH - This can work with SKIP_ARCHS. If builds are skipped for arm64, the arm container could be tagged for it with: EXTRA_TAGS_arm=arm64.
  • DOCKER_BUILD_CONTEXT - Use an alternative directory for the docker build context.


# Only build for amd64 and arm
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# Use a 32-bit arm container for a 64-bit host:
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# Use container.git as the build context
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Passing Arguments to Build Context

Containers may require Dockerfile ARG support for including build time variables. If the file .docker_build_args exists in a container directory, the build script will turn the contents into --build-arg options passed to the docker build command.

Static information can be done by simply defining a file like:

# <container>/.docker_build_args
KEY2="Value with spaces"
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That would produce a build command that included --build-arg KEY=Value --build-arg KEY2="Value with spaces".

The need for dynamic arguments usually means the values must be generated at build time. The way this can be accomplished is by taking advantage of docker-build.conf. This file is “sourced” by the build script, so it can be used to generate content dynamically.


A common case is including Git commit information into the container:

# $TAG is set by the build script as the Git short hash of the
# containers.git commit being built.
# $x is the path to the container.
cat <<EOF >$x/.docker_build_args
GIT_MSG="$(git log --format=%s -1)"
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# NOTE - These ARG's change *every* build. In order to maximize
# Docker build caching, they should be as close to the end of the
# file as possible so that the steps after these lines don't have
# to get re-run *every* build.
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Advanced Container Dependencies

In rare occasions a Factory may need some custom code to run before the docker build logic is called on each container. This can be done with a file in the top-level directory of containers.git, pre-build.conf.


# pre-build.conf
# Create a file with build environment for container "shellhttpd":
env > shellhttpd/envvars
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