Fioctl CLI Installation

Fioctl is a simple tool that interacts with the REST API for managing a Factory. It is based on the ota-lite API, also built by

Fioctl, is used to manage:


Manual Installation

We use Github Releases to distribute static golang binaries. If you don’t have a package manager, are not on a supported distribution, or would prefer to install manually, you can refer to this section for manual installation instructions.

  1. Download a Linux binary from the Github Releases page to a directory on your PATH

    For example, to download version v0.12 on Linux, do:

    sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/fioctl -LO
  2. Make the Fioctl binary executable:

    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/fioctl

You can execute this again in future to overwrite your binary, therefore updating or changing your version.

  1. Download a Darwin binary from the Github Releases page to a directory on your PATH

    For example, to download version v0.12 on macOS, do:

    curl -o /usr/local/bin/fioctl -LO
  2. Make the Fioctl binary executable:

    chmod +x /usr/local/bin/fioctl

You can execute this again in future to overwrite your binary, therefore updating or changing your version.

  1. Download a Windows binary from the Github Releases page.

  2. Put it in a folder of your choosing and rename it to fioctl.exe

  3. Press Win + R and type SystemPropertiesAdvanced

  4. Press enter or click OK.

  5. Click “Environment Variables…” in the resultant menu..

  6. Click the Path system variable, then click Edit...

  7. Click New in the “Edit environment variable” menu.

  8. Enter the path to the folder in which you have placed Fioctl.

    An example path string if installing to a folder on the desktop would look like this.


You should now be able to open cmd.exe or powershell.exe and type fioctl.

Via Package Manager

We maintain a brew Formula

brew tap foundriesio/homebrew-fioctl
brew install fioctl


We recommend using either the WSL or Scoop to manage your Fioctl installation.

Via Scoop

  1. Install Scoop

  2. From Powershell, run:

    scoop bucket add fio
    scoop install fioctl

Via Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

  1. Enable the WSL
  2. Install a supported Linux Distribution such as Ubuntu, Debian.
  3. Launch a shell via WSL, usually bash.exe is available from the start menu.
  4. You can now follow our docs as if you were running Linux, refer to the Ubuntu/Debian installation steps.

We maintain an AUR Package

Via yay

yay -S fioctl

Or via makepkg

git clone
cd fioctl-bin
makepkg -si


Now that Fioctl is installed, you must authenticate with our backend before you’re able to use it. This requires you to generate OAuth2 application credentials for interacting with Factory APIs:

fioctl login

Fioctl will now ask for your API token and walk you through the authentication process.


Tokens can be generated at


We recommend creating a new API token for each device you plan to use our tools with. For example, if you intend to develop on multiple systems such as a laptop and a desktop, you should create a new token for each, just as you would with SSH keys. This way you can revoke tokens for individual systems, should they be compromised.



Refer to the Fioctl section of the documentation to learn more about configuration.