Sign Up¶
To create a FoundriesFactory, you first need to create an account with us.

This is the beginning of your journey.¶
Create a Factory¶
FoundriesFactory is the start of your embedded OS, tailored specifically for your product. When you create a Factory, we immediately bootstrap the CI build process for a vanilla, unmodified Linux microPlatform OS Image, which is from this point onward, owned by you.
When your account is created, it is not associated with any factories.
Create one by clicking Create Factory

Your journey begins empty handed¶
Upon Factory creation you will be sent an email with instructions to securely download your Offline FoundriesFactory TUF Keys. Read this documentation for information on key rotation.
It is incredibly important that your keys are kept safe and private. Please store these keys securely.
Select Your Platform¶
Choose a hardware platform from the dropdown menu in the Create New Factory wizard and continue.
The Linux microPlatform supports a wide range of platforms out of the box. This includes QEMU images for ARM and RISC-V architectures.
Your chosen platform determines what the initial value for the machines:
key will be for your first build. This key and its value can later be changed
via factory-config.yml
in Factory Definition
Watch Your Build¶
Once you have created your Factory, an initial build of the LmP will be generated for you to build your product on top of. You can monitor the progress of this initial build in the Targets tab of your Factory.
This section will become more useful as you begin to build your application and declare new targets for the Factory to build. You can learn about creating targets in the Advanced Tagging section
If you’d like to learn more, we wrote a blog about what targets are and why we made them the way they are.
Bootstrapping your OS securely takes some time. Secure caching isn’t simple, so your first build will take up to 3 hours to complete. Subsequent builds will be much faster.
Read through the rest of this section and set up your development environment while you wait for us to build your OS from scratch.