How to Get Started with Mosquitto MQTT Broker Containers¶
In the world of IoT, MQTT is without question a well known protocol and it has gained a lot of popularity for device communication. By using a simple publishing and subscribing model, it makes it very easy to manage the message flow. In other words, a device can publish a message containing arbitrary data to a topic and all of the devices subscribed to that topic will receive the same message. In that way, IoT projects become easy to manage a lot of devices that are sending and receiving a large number of messages.
Let’s apply this concept to a real world application. Imagine that you have 5 temperature sensors, each in a different room. Each of these 5 sensors can publish its temperature data on a specific topic, which in most projects resembles a folder structure that you might make on your system for storing files:
Now that we know the temperature of each room, imagine we have some smart-heaters that are capable of reading the room temperature via MQTT. These heaters can then be placed in each room that has a temperature sensor of its own. The heaters can then subscribe to the thermostat topic for the room they’re in. It is now able to know the room temperature. In other words, the heater from room 1 subscribes or listens to the topic “sensor/thermostat/room1”.
Going even further, imagine that this house has a fire alarm system and the alarm system monitors all thermostats. The alarm system can subscribe to all the thermostat topics and every time the temperature changes, the alarm system will get an update.
For all of this to happen, the only service that you need to run and that devices need to discover is the MQTT Broker. There are many broker implementations, but the most popular is called “Mosquitto”. This is a daemon you can run on any networked device with the sole purpose of distributing these messages to any devices capable of MQTT such as our heaters that want to listen. Setting this service up is exactly what this tutorial will cover.
Although there are several tutorials on MQTT, Linux microPlatform uses containers to implement each application. This tutorial will show you how to enable a Mosquitto MQTT Broker to establish a communication between different containerized applications in your FoundriesFactory.
Using MQTT Broker to Establish a Communication Between Containers.¶
The use of containers in embedded systems is becoming increasingly popular. One of the main advantages of using containers is the isolation of different applications in their own containers. Although, along with the advantage comes the challenge of sharing data between them when necessary. The use of an MQTT broker can be an option to establish that communication.
To illustrate this architecture, imagine that you have a device with 4 different containers isolated from each other:
Container 1: Reading 2 digital inputs and writing 2 digital outputs.
Container 2: Database
Container 3: Communication with the cloud
Container 4: MQTT Broker
In this case, all containers can connect to the MQTT broker from container 4.
Container 1 can publish changes to the digital inputs on two different topics:
Container 1 can also subscribe to output channels to change their status according to messages coming from other containers:
In the same way, container 3 can publish and subscribe to the same channels in order to read the inputs and control the outputs.
Finally, without any additional effort, container 2 can subscribe to all topics and save all changes in the local database.
Cloning your Repository¶
There are many application examples in Docker App Store repositories but each FoundriesFactory user can decide which application to enable.
Download your factory container.git repository and follow the commands to copy the Mosquito app from extra-containers:
# Ubuntu Host Machine
$ mkdir getstartedvideo
$ cd getstartevideo
$ git clone
$ cd containers
In order to enable Mosquitto app we will need to clone some files from our reference repository:
# Ubuntu Host Machine
$ git remote add fio
$ git remote update
$ git checkout remotes/fio/master -- mosquitto
Edit the docker compose file and update the Factory name:
# Ubuntu Host Machine
$ vim mosquitto/docker-compose.yml
# mosquitto/docker-compose.yml
version: "3"
image:<your factory>/mosquitto:latest
- /run
- /var/lock
- /var/log
- "1883:1883/tcp"
restart: always
read_only: true
Add the changes to your Factory and wait for it to finish compiling your app:
# Ubuntu Host Machine
$ git add mosquitto/
$ git commit "Adding new mosquitto app"
$ git push
Enabling the App on your Device¶
In the following steps we assume you have your Raspberry Pi 3 with’s LmP running and correctly registered to your Factory.
With fioctl, we will enable the application “ibm-iotsdk” on your device registered with the name raspberrypi3. For more information about how to register and enable application, check the page Managing the Device:
# Ubuntu Host Machine
# Configure the device to run the "mosquitto" app
$ fioctl devices config updates device1 --apps mosquitto --tags master
Debugging the Mosquitto Container APP¶
On your device, you can check the running container and use the container ID to see the logs:
#Raspberry Pi 3 Target Machine
$ docker ps
751a0be6433c "/" 4 hours ago Up 4 hours>1883/tcp mosquitto_mosquitto_1
$ docker logs 751a0be6433c
1594855540: mosquitto version 1.6.3 starting
1594855540: Config loaded from /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/mosquitto.conf.
1594855540: Opening ipv4 listen socket on port 1883.
1594855540: Opening ipv6 listen socket on port 1883.
Now we need to connect and start to send messages between containers.
Testing the Container¶
In order to test the Mosquitto MQTT broker, you can connect an external device which supports MQTT to your device IP on port 1883. Another way, is to run two different containers and communicate between them.
In this tutorial we will cover the communication between containers. We will run two different containers to test it.
Using two different terminals, run the command below to access your raspberry pi:
# Ubuntu Host Machine
$ ssh [email protected]
After it, on terminal 1, start the first container based on Alpine Linux and install the package “mosquitto-clients”:
# Raspberry Pi 3 Target Machine
$ docker run --network host -it --name container1 alpine /bin/sh
/ # apk add --no-cache mosquitto-clients
Repeat the same steps on the second terminal changing the container name to “container2”:
# Raspberry Pi 3 Target Machine
$ docker run --network host -it --name container2 alpine /bin/sh
/ # apk add --no-cache mosquitto-clients

Alpine Container¶
On Container 1, subscribe to the topic “container/message” and wait until we send message from Container 2:
/ # mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t "container/message"
On Container 2, publish the message “temp: XX” to the topic “container/message”:
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t "container/message" -m "temp: 30"
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t "container/message" -m "temp: 32"
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t "container/message" -m "temp: 34"No Terminal 2, publique uma mensagem no mesmo tópico:
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t "container/message" -m "temp: 30"
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t "container/message" -m "temp: 32"
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t "container/message" -m "temp: 34"
As you can see, Container 1 will receive all messages from Container 2:
/ # mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t "container/message"
temp: 30
temp: 32
temp: 34

It is also possible to connect external devices. As an example, I connected my MQTT light controller and by turning on and off my lights I can see the status changes:
/ # mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t "stat/ch4/+"

External Device¶
The Mosquitto broker could be used not just to communicate between different containers but it can also be used by external devices such as the smart-heaters mentioned earlier in the tutorial. Everything depends on how you structure your topics and who publishes/subscribes to each topic.