The Factory Definition

Each Factory can be customized to control how CI handles it. This is managed in the “Factory Definition” which is located in a factory’s ci-scripts.git repository in the file factory-config.yml:

    # Required: Comma separated list of email addresses to mailed after each CI build.
    # Optional: If set to "true" users will only be notified of CI failures.
    # failures_only: false

  # Optional: Specify environment variable to be passed into the LMP build
  # params:
  #   IMAGE: lmp-mini

  # Required: Specify the list of LMP machines to build for. A factory's
  #           subscription is generally only good for a single "machine".
  - raspberrypi-cm3

  # Optional: Control how OTA_LITE tags are handled.
  #           See "Advanced Tagging" for more details
  # tagging:
  #  refs/heads/master:
  #    - tag: postmerge
  #  refs/heads/devel:
  #    - tag: devel

  # Optional: Do an OE build to produce manufacturing tooling
  # mfg_tools:
  #  - machine: raspberrypi-cm3
  #    params:
  #      DISTRO: lmp-base
  #      IMAGE: mfgtool-signed-files
  #      EXTRA_ARTIFACTS: "mfgtools-signed.tar.gz"

  # Optional: Only build containers for the given platforms
  # platforms:
  # - arm
  # - arm64
  # - amd64

  # Optional: Control how OTA_LITE tags are handled.
  #           See "Advanced Tagging" for more details
  # tagging:
  #  refs/heads/master:
  #    - tag: postmerge
  #  refs/heads/devel-foundries:
  #    - tag: devel
  #  refs/heads/devel-foundries-base:
  #    - tag: devel-base
  #      inherit: devel