Updating the Linux microPlatform Core

Your factory platform manifest has been separated to make consuming core platform updates easier. At Foundries.io we release Linux microPlatform updates early and often in an effort to get the latest security fixes out to users.

If you would like to try out the latest, here is how to update your factory manifest:

cd lmp-manifest
git fetch https://github.com/foundriesio/lmp-manifest
latest=$(git rev-parse FETCH_HEAD)
git merge-base --is-ancestor $latest HEAD && (echo "No changes found upstream"; exit 0)

echo "Upstream changes have been found. Merging local code with upstream SHA: $latest"
git merge $latest
git push && git push --tags

A new platform build will be triggered, and once published the update can be deployed.

If something goes wrong, don’t fret! This is why we use version control!:

git revert HEAD
git push